• Journalism,  Politics,  Publishing,  Writing

    I Stand With Evan Gershkovich

    Typewriter Evan Gershkovich

    I Stand With Evan Gershkovich Over one year ago Evan Gershkovich, a reporter for the Wall Street Journal, was arrested and imprisoned in Russia. The Russians claim that Gershkovich was a “spy.” He could face up to twenty years in a Russian prison. He will stand trial on June 26th. As the Committee to Protect Journalists writes: The start of Gershkovich’s trial comes after he has already spent more than 14 months behind bars for no other reason than his work as a journalist,” said Gulnoza Said, CPJ’s Europe and Central Asia program coordinator. “Russian authorities must immediately release Gershkovich, drop all charges against him, and stop prosecuting members of…

  • History,  Politics,  Resistance,  Writing

    State of the Blog Address 2024


    State of the Blog Address I have worked on this blog intermittently since 2010! It’s hard to believe that it’s been that long. I am going to try new things in this blog because there are so many issues that are important to me. The most important event happening this year are the 2024 Elections. In the United States, we face the most important Presidential election of our lifetimes. I am volunteering for many Democratic campaigns. My husband and I plan on participating in phone banking, text banking, sending postcards, and anything else we can do. But it is not enough. Since I have been reading many books about resistance…

  • Book Reviews,  Writing

    Top 10 Books on My Fall 2023 Reading List

    Book with fallen leaf

    Books I Want To Read This Fall Fall 2023 Reading List Stories of Breece D’J Pancake Breece Pancake was a very promising young writer who was already publishing short stoires in The Atlantic Monthly when he committed suicide at the age of 26. Breece D’J Pancake Is the Greatest Author You’ve Never Heard Of The story collection The Stories of Breece D’J Pancake was published after his death, which included some stories he had already published and several previously unpublished stories. The Last Ravioli Recipes of Hoboken: A Search for Food and Family by Laura Schenone Laura Schenone writes about finding her great-grandmother’s recipe for ravioli. A Walker in the…

  • Blogging,  Writing

    Moving My Blog From Blogger To WordPress (and changing the permalink structure!)

    WordPress typewriter

    When I first moved The Literary Lioness over to WordPress back in 2017, I made SO. MANY. MISTAKES. I was DETERMINED not to make those same mistakes when I recently moved my other blog, New Jersey Memories, over to WordPress. Moving From Blogger to WordPress I loved Blogger but I needed to move to WordPress. Google Search Console (GSC) was refusing to index some of my posts, no matter how many times I submitted sitemaps. You would think that since Blogger is a Google product that there would be no problems. But GSC remained stubbornly aloof. Getting Used To WordPress Things have changed a lot in WordPress since 2017. The…

  • Blogging,  Writing,  YouTube

    Happy Mother’s Day And 2 Crazy Weeks | Sunday Wrap-Up


    Mother’s Day The Sunday Salon is a weekly blog hop hosted by Readerbuzz. The Sunday Post is hosted by Caffeinated Reviewer. Happy Mother’s Day Everyone! I hope you have a great day! WordPress Automatically Sending New Comments To Trash I use comment moderation because of spamming issues. This is a chronic issue for WordPress users. WordPress has been automatically adding new comments on my blog to TRASH. I am very sorry if it seems that I have ignored your comments. The Comments section on the Dashboard didn’t show that there were ANY comments. Usually, it shows a bright red number when there are comments. It showed nothing. I admit that…