• Book Reviews,  Writing

    Top 10 Books on My Fall 2023 Reading List

    Book with fallen leaf

    Books I Want To Read This Fall Fall 2023 Reading List Stories of Breece D’J Pancake Breece Pancake was a very promising young writer who was already publishing short stoires in The Atlantic Monthly when he committed suicide at the age of 26. Breece D’J Pancake Is the Greatest Author You’ve Never Heard Of The story collection The Stories of Breece D’J Pancake was published after his death, which included some stories he had already published and several previously unpublished stories. The Last Ravioli Recipes of Hoboken: A Search for Food and Family by Laura Schenone Laura Schenone writes about finding her great-grandmother’s recipe for ravioli. A Walker in the…

  • Literary

    Book Sale Season


    Book Sale Season Is Here! I recently scored great books at area book sales. What I Bought An Episode of Sparrows by Rumer Godden Some of these books I have read before (McCullers, Knowles, Sinclair) but not for a long time. The Oxford Guide I have wanted for a while, and the Illustrated Brontes are interesting. I own the DVD of the British series of the same name, and the Brontes are a fascinating family. There is a great website to track down book sales in your area: Book Sale Finder. Please also read about 5 Books and Authors I Haven’t Read . . . Yet and also What I…

  • Writing

    9 Things That Bring Me Joy


    9 Things That Bring Me Joy They may be numbered, but not exactly in the correct order. There are many things that bring me joy, but these are some of my favorites. Even though I listed my husband as #9, he is still first in my book. Wise Bread has some suggestions to bring joy to your life. Also, please read 7 Ways To Create More Joy In Your Life Further Reading You may also read These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things . . . Written for Mama Kat’s Pretty Much World Famous Writer’s Workshop. Thank you for reading The Literary Lioness!

  • Literary,  Blogging,  Writing

    Confessions Of A Book Blogger


    Confessions Of A Book Blogger As a book blogger, I have some confessions to make. I hereby confess: I have never read any of the Harry Potter books. I have never read any of the Lord of the Rings books. I have never read any of the Hunger Games books. I have never read any of the Twilight books. I am sure that all of these are fine, fine books. But to be honest, they just don’t interest me. I don’t read them and I certainly don’t feel qualified to review them. More Confessions I don’t care about vampires, zombies, witches, fantasy, science fiction, or paranormal. Some of these books…

  • Literary

    Books and Authors I Hate

    Moby Dick books

    Books And Authors I Hate Yes! At least for now. Here are some “classic” works of literature that I just don’t like. So sue me. Books and authors I hate? Perhaps I will feel differently in a few years. Further Reading Books and Authors I Haven’t Read . . . Yet Also this: Talking about books I don’t like – Modern Mrs. Darcy Thank you for reading The Literary Lioness!