• Literary

    Environmental Mindfulness

    Environmental Mindfulness

    Environmental Mindfulness I am reading a charming little book called The Mindful Writer by Dinty W. Moore. This book was published by Wisdom Publications.  This publisher specializes in books with Buddhist themes. I am reading the Kindle version. However, I love the following paragraph about the physical edition on the copyright page: This book was produced with environmental mindfulness. We have elected to print this title on 30% PCW recycled paper. As a result, we have saved the following resources: 12 trees, 5 million BTUs of energy, 1,216 lbs. of greenhouse gases, 5,846 gallons of water, and 347 lbs. of solid waste. And the book has fewer than 200 pages!…

  • Literary

    What I Am Reading Right Now

    Current Reading

    What Am I Reading? I am currently reading The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt on my Kindle. My plans are to attempt to read some of the books I started within the past year but never finished because I was distracted by certain events. I was away from book blogging because the past few months have indeed been very busy. Someone I knew was getting married, so I attended an engagement party/“surprise” bridal shower/and posh wedding. I also knew two different people who died on the same day. So there were wakes/viewings/and funerals to attend. My husband and I spent some time in Pennsylvania visiting my stepdaughter and her husband. I…

  • Blogging,  Writing

    What I Have Learned From Book Blogging

    desktop for book blogging

    What Have I Learned From Book Blogging? I have learned so much. Mostly I have learned all the things that I DIDN’T know about book blogging. I must admit that I knew nothing about Advanced Reading Copies and that I could get free books to read before they were published. Vaguely aware that big-time book reviewers from places like The New York Times must get books ahead of time.  I didn’t know that bloggers could get them! I also knew nothing about book publishing conferences such as Book Expo America, which I attended last year! My knowledge of CURRENT literature was severely lacking. I tend to read books by dead…

  • Writing

    These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things . . .

    favorite Kindle

    My Favorite Things My favorite things that I can own right now are books. I love books in every way, shape, and form. Since I live in a tiny apartment, I can’t have too many physical books around. Just enough to fill up two bookcases. That’s where Kindle comes in. Further Reading You may also like 9 Things That Bring Me Joy. Thank you for reading The Literary Lioness!

  • Literary

    I Love Organizing Books and Meeting Authors

    organizing books

    Organizing Your Books I love organizing my books. When I was little, my room wasn’t that neat, but all my children’s books were arranged on my big bookcase in alphabetical order by the author’s last name! Right now I have some volumes in a storage facility, some on shelves, and others scattered around the bedroom, bathroom, and living room (and I’m not going to post photos of that mess!) I am giving some away to charity (if I haven’t read them in ten years I’m never going to read them!). But most importantly, I bought a Kindle a few months ago and have them on there. It can hold over…