What I Have Learned From Book Blogging

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What Have I Learned From Book Blogging?
I have learned so much. Mostly I have learned all the things that I DIDN’T know about book blogging.
I must admit that I knew nothing about Advanced Reading Copies and that I could get free books to read before they were published.
Vaguely aware that big-time book reviewers from places like The New York Times must get books ahead of time. I didn’t know that bloggers could get them!
I also knew nothing about book publishing conferences such as Book Expo America, which I attended last year!
My knowledge of CURRENT literature was severely lacking. I tend to read books by dead authors.
Now That I Know . . .
My Kindle has now won my heart. I have become quite a committed Kindle fanatic and am now favoring it over physical books!
I didn’t think that would happen, but it did.
My bookshelves are now bulging with my TBR books and my Kindle is packed with unread books!
Mostly, though, I have learned so much about books and authors that I have never heard of before.
It has been a fun and interesting journey to enjoy all those books!
More about blogging: WordPress or Blogger?
Thank you for reading The Literary Lioness!
Jessica@a GREAT read
Oh yes! ARCs is definitely the go to choice today!! BEA is a first for me too! I'd looooove to go but NYC is too intimidating for me!
Here's my Follow Friday
Have a GREAT weekend!
Old Follower 🙂
The Literary Lioness
I went last year but couldn't go this year. If you do get to go, NYC is a lot of fun!
Vonnie Rivera
How could I forget about ARCs?! I had no clue either about these before blogging.
Old follower
My answer
I've learned lots of stuff about ARCs too! New follower 😀 And your blog is so pretty!!
Here's my FF post!
I think I linked FF post to my Opal review! Here's my actual Feature & Follow post! 🙂
Thanks for participating in the Hop. The cover of City of Women is dreamy, hope you get to them next year.
Liesel K Hill
ARCs is a popular answer this week, but I think it's something very specific to this industry, so it makes sense that the general public doesn't know about them. Great answer. New follower via GFC. Have a merry Christmas! 😀
I loved THE CITY OF WOMEN…hope you get to read it and THE CHAPERONE.
I actually got to start mine on the plane yesterday. My post will explain the book and WHY I needed to start it. 🙂
Stop by if you like to see my post and to see a post for 99 cent giveaways for today only….not my giveaways. Sponsored by Buy Me Read Me.
Silver's Reviews
Jaclyn Canada
I still don't know a lot about the publishing conferences. I have never been to one. Thank you so much for visiting my FF. New Follower 😀
J. Anne Huss
I learned most of what I know by publishing myself, but it was a steep learning curve, that's for sure. I'm still baffled by a lot of it to be honest, but getting out there and doing it yourself is one way to learn things in a hurry.
New Follow via GFC
Julie~ New Adult Addiction
The Literary Lioness
Thank you for hosting the Hop! I definitely plan to read City of Women very soon.
The Literary Lioness
Thank you so much!
The Literary Lioness
I'm looking forward to reading it. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
The Literary Lioness
Someday perhaps you'll go to one! Thanks for visiting back!
The Literary Lioness
Don't worry, you will do just fine!
The Literary Lioness
It is definitely a steep learning curve! I felt lost at the BEA last year, but I know so much more about it!
The Literary Lioness
ARCs are great!
The Literary Lioness
Thank you so much!
The Literary Lioness
Thank you! ARCs are great!
ARCs and other terminology I'm continuing to learn about. It's such a fun industry.
new follower. My FF:
I agree. ARCs are awesome. New follower 🙂
Barbara Brown
I have learnt so much about book blogging, i didn't realize just how people are into it and now i'm hooked!! :-o)
Hopping on thru follow my link below
"BookShelves Of Dreams"
Alise (Readers In Wonderland)
Conferences, nice one! For my post I said I can't believe how much goes into marketing a novel!
New GFC follower 🙂
The Literary Lioness
ARCs are the best!
The Literary Lioness
You are welcome!
The Literary Lioness
It is a lot of fun!
The Literary Lioness
ARCs are definitely awesome!
The Literary Lioness
Book blogging is fun!
The Literary Lioness
It is definitely worth it to attend a few!
The Literary Lioness
Nowadays since authors and bloggers have to market themselves, it is a lot of work!