Writing,  Blogging

WordPress or Blogger?

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Photo by Ella Jardim on Unsplash

WordPress or Blogger?

I want to apologize to anyone from a WordPress blog who commented on Sunday’s post. For some reason, I can’t seem to make comments on blogs hosted by them anymore.

One of the blogs offered the option to comment through Google+.

Google+ refused to accept “Literary Lioness” as a real name, even though I used “Literary” as the first name and “Lioness” as the last name.

Gee, I wonder why that didn’t work. Hmmm.

Right now I don’t want my real name associated with the blog, although I probably will in the future.

When will Google learn that forcing Google+ on people won’t work?

Twitter and Facebook became so successful not because anyone forced them into using them!

I then tried to comment with Gravatar but now it seems that Gravatar only works for WordPress blogs nowadays.

And when I just try to make any kind of comment on these WordPress blogs, it looks as if the comment was accepted, but they never appear! No explanation, either.

I’m mad at WordPress for making it so difficult to comment on their blogs! It never used to be a problem.

I Am Seriously Considering Making The Switch

However . . .

I have seriously considered changing to WordPress.com anyway (the hosted version because I don’t think I have the technical know-how to self-host a blog at WordPress.org).

Self-hosting to me would be a huge leap, and I find that WordPress has quite a high learning curve.

I would also miss the Blogger Template Designer, which I can play with for hours!

Of course, I’d have to give up my Google Friends gadget and I would not be allowed to be able to have ads, but I have never made any money off of this blog anyway (except once), and that was never my intention when I started blogging.

I did a trial run recently and the posts transferred over perfectly. My big stumbling block now is I’m trying to figure out how to transfer the domain name over!

I bought it through Google (or rather I “rent” it on a year-to-year basis).

Has anyone made the switch from Blogger to WordPress? What are your opinions???

Please also read What I Have Learned From Book Blogging and Modern Crossword Puzzles Turn 100!

Also: My Brand-New Computer Was Built Especially For Me!

Thank you for reading The Literary Lioness!

I love books, writing, film, and television.

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