• Blogging,  Literary,  Writing

    How To Become A Famous Blogger

    Famous Blogger Dave Walker

    Want To Become A Famous Blogger? Go to Book Expo America and the Book Bloggers Convention! You will learn so much! Perhaps you will become a famous blogger! It’s Book Blogger Appreciation Week! The first topic is: Community While the awards are a fun part of BBAW, they can never accurately represent the depth and breadth of diversity in the book blogging community. Today you are encouraged to highlight a couple of bloggers that have made book blogging a unique experience for you. They can be your mentors, a blogger that encouraged you to try a different kind of book, opened your eyes to a new issue, made you laugh…

  • Writing

    Make Time To Read Great Books

    Time Out For Books

    More than anything else, I love to read and write. So if I could choose any place to have a time out from life, it would be a bookstore or library. Make The Time To Read Great Books I love going to bookstores, drinking in the cafe and eating delicious desserts, and spending time reading magazines. I love to carry a small notebook and pen in my purse and sit in the bookstore, writing essays, short stories, and blog posts. I love to write with pen and paper. Collecting small notebooks is fun! I also love to wander the aisles of books in the bookstore and look for new books…

  • Blogging,  Literary,  Writing

    I’m So Excited To Welcome You To The Literary Lioness!

    Welcome to the bookshop

    Welcome! It’s so amazing that we live in a world where we can all share how we feel about different things. The Internet means that we can share things that we enjoy with people from around the world! I Love To Read and Write It’s so nice to know that there are other people out there who love books as much as I do. Hopefully, I can share with you the books that I have recently read. I love “neglected” books and “forgotten” classics. Since I am also a writer, I will be discussing my adventures as a freelancer. I am also obsessed with cats, typography, fonts, obscure movies, and…