Make Time To Read Great Books

More than anything else, I love to read and write.
So if I could choose any place to have a time out from life, it would be a bookstore or library.
Table of Contents
Make The Time To Read Great Books
I love going to bookstores, drinking in the cafe and eating delicious desserts, and spending time reading magazines.
I love to carry a small notebook and pen in my purse and sit in the bookstore, writing essays, short stories, and blog posts. I love to write with pen and paper.
Collecting small notebooks is fun! I also love to wander the aisles of books in the bookstore and look for new books that I want to read.
I even love to buy paper planners and keep track of everything I need to do with pen and paper.
I Love Being Surrounded By Books
When I was a college student, I would always do my homework at the university library.
I had a heavy load of reading and writing since I majored in English and minored in Journalism.
I’d study there for hours in the second-floor “stacks” area.
I LOVED spending time in that library. I still go back to use that library to relax, read magazines, and take out books, which I can as an alumna.
I’d sit in a private carrel, tucked away on the sides of the building, and work hard, occasionally gazing out the windows at the passing students below.
I’ve always felt so comfortable, safe, and secure, while surrounded by books.
What made me especially happy was studying a subject I really liked, such as World Geography, History of Cinema as Art, or of course my literature and writing courses.
I’d look around me, surrounded by books, and sigh with pure contentment.
I Owned Too Many Physical Books
I used to own over 4000 physical books, but the very small space that I live in now doesn’t allow me to do that.
But I still have a huge bookcase filled with physical books.
Although I eventually want very much to buy a Kindle or something similar, I will always have paper books in my home.
I cannot imagine not having books surrounding me.
Even if I ever was able to afford an e-reader, I would still have physical books around. I love the look and feel of books.
(UPDATE 2022: I have had a Kindle for over 10 years now and I now have over 1200 books on it! I still have too many books, because I also have TWO large bookcases filled with physical books!)
I had so many books because I lived in a town that is obsessed with them. In the spring they have dozens of book sales all over town.
There is one weeklong sale that has a bag sale on the last day — all the books you can stuff in a paper grocery bag for $5.00.
The line forms by the door and down the parking lot before the sale even opens for business. I still always carry a paperback in my purse.
My elderly car was called The Bookmobile. I always had many books tucked away in the glove box, seats, and trunk. I didn’t want to end up stranded without books!
Ever wonder how you can find the time to read more?
In this video, Chandler Bolt describes how he went from being a non-reader to reading a book a week:
You can also read about 9 Things That Bring Me Joy.
This post was written for Mama Kat’s Pretty Much World Famous Writer’s Workshop.
Thank you for reading The Literary Lioness!
No Comments
I couldn't agree more. My idea of a great night out is going to the bookstore for three or four hours.
I write all my blog posts in longhand. There's something about a blank computer screen that dries up my creative flow.
I just bought a year's supply of spiral-bound notebooks at Walmart – 50 of them for $7.50. They aren't fancy, but you can't beat the price.
The Literary Lioness
50 notebooks for $7.50? Wow, that's a bargain.
I do like to write with pen and paper. Not that I never write directly to the computer, because I do. But there is something so satisfying with writing by hand. It's more creative. I also use a paper planner instead of the calendar on my cell phone. I just like it better.
Stopping by from Mama Kat's.
Loved your post! We'd get along well on a time out together…this was going to be what I wrote, only I chose another prompt. People who love me know if I'm without my books that I'm just a tad out of sorts! Would enjoy a Kindle, but somehow it feels like cheating and I'm with you…I'd still have my books!
The Literary Lioness
@Mandy — Yes, I'm crabby when I don't have books around. Even at work I'm longing to read and write instead of my ridiculously unimportant job.
The best writers are insatiable readers as well! Thanks so much for the kind comment and follow at my site. Will follow you!
The Literary Lioness
@Kristy — That's so true. That's for visiting!
Ann @ makethebestofthings
I found you on New Friend Friday and I am a kindred spirit. Your essay is nice and makes me oh so envious of your book loving town! For me it's books, music, flowers. I write on the computer but I keep multiple spiral notebooks for lists, notes, schedules, etc including outlines for stories I'm working on. Write on, sweet lady!
I have a Kindle (mostly because I no longer have the space to unpack the gazillions of books that I own…plus it's good for travel) but I still find myself at the library at least once a week checking out books 😉
The Literary Lioness
@Ann @ makethebestofthings – Thank you so much. I just check out your blog and it is beautiful. You are a very creative person.
The Literary Lioness
@Stacey — Yes, I'll bet e-readers are great for traveling, but sometimes I love to curl up in bed with a book and I can't do it with an e-reader.
Hollywood Chic
Agreed! Thank you for the follow, favor was returned friend.
Love this post, totally hear everything you're saying. Oh, how I dream of a day when I can sit in a bookstore again.
New follower from NFF, happy weekend.
The Literary Lioness
@Hollywood Chic — Thank you so much!
The Literary Lioness
@Jenn — Don't worry, you'll be relaxing in a bookstore again. Thanks for following and have a great weekend!
Coma Girl
Love this! My ex b-friend and I used to spend so much time in the bookstore. He'd go one way and I'd go mine and it was delightful.
Now when I go, I'm in the children's section looking for Snow White books 😉
Stopped by from Mama Kat's.
The Literary Lioness
@Coma Girl — There's something so peaceful about bookstores and libraries. My boyfriend doesn't love reading the way I do (oh, the horror), but he loves to sit in the bookstore, too. He'll read computer magazines :).
This is one of my favorite places to "get lost" as well!
Following you back!
The Literary Lioness
@Lesley — Thanks so much!