• Blogging,  Writing,  YouTube

    Happy Mother’s Day And 2 Crazy Weeks | Sunday Wrap-Up


    Mother’s Day The Sunday Salon is a weekly blog hop hosted by Readerbuzz. The Sunday Post is hosted by Caffeinated Reviewer. Happy Mother’s Day Everyone! I hope you have a great day! WordPress Automatically Sending New Comments To Trash I use comment moderation because of spamming issues. This is a chronic issue for WordPress users. WordPress has been automatically adding new comments on my blog to TRASH. I am very sorry if it seems that I have ignored your comments. The Comments section on the Dashboard didn’t show that there were ANY comments. Usually, it shows a bright red number when there are comments. It showed nothing. I admit that…

  • Blogging,  Writing,  YouTube

    Easter Sunday, Cherry Blossoms, and YouTube | Sunday Wrap-Up

    sunrise over clouds

    The Sunday Salon is a weekly blog hop hosted by Readerbuzz. The Sunday Post is hosted by Caffeinated Reviewer. Easter Sunday Mr. Lioness and I spent last Sunday eating a delicious Easter dinner at my sister-in-law’s house. The dinner was wonderful: roast beef, potatoes, asparagus, salad, and lots of wine! It was great seeing all the family again. It’s wonderful to see the little children growing up and developing strong personalities! Especially after two long years of COVID, it’s nice to get back to a somewhat normal life. Reading I posted a review of The Fur Person by May Sarton. It’s a lovely book about a stray cat’s search for…