All That Is Bitter and Sweet by Ashley Judd | Book Review
All That Is Bitter and Sweet: A Memoir by Ashley Judd Genres: Memoir, Non-Fiction Original Publication Date: 2011 Source: I borrowed this book from the library. Goodreads Find the Author: Website, Facebook, Goodreads, Amazon, Instagram All That Is Bitter and Sweet: In 2002, award-winning film and stage actor Ashley Judd found her true calling: as a humanitarian and voice for those suffering in neglected parts of the world. After her first trip to the notorious brothels, slums, and hospices of southeast Asia, Ashley knew immediately that she wanted to advocate on behalf of the vulnerable. Seeking in-patient treatment in 2006 for the grief that had nearly killed her, Ashley found…
Paris in Love by Eloisa James | Book Review
Paris in Love by Eloisa James Genres: Memoir, Non-Fiction Original Publication Date: 2012 Source: I borrowed this book from the library. Goodreads Find the Author: Website, Facebook, Goodreads, Amazon, Pinterest In Paris in Love, bestselling romance author Eloisa James took a sabbatical from her day job as a Shakespeare professor, she also took a leap that many people dream about: She sold her house and moved her family to Paris. With no classes to teach, no committee meetings to attend, no lawn to mow or cars to park, Eloisa revels in the ordinary pleasures of life—discovering corner museums that tourists overlook, chronicling Frenchwomen’s sartorial triumphs, walking from one end of…
Change Myself To Be A Better Person!
If You Could Change Something About Yourself, What Would It Be? There are many things that I would change about myself. If I had to choose one thing to change about myself, right now, it would be my habit of procrastination. I always seem to dread even simple tasks, and I do not know why. There are just some things that I do not like to do, and I try to avoid them, but eventually, I know that I will have to do them, or chaos reigns. For example, while studying at the university, I was required to take math, science, and languages. These were not my best subjects –…
Off Balance: A Memoir by Dominique Moceanu | Book Review
Off Balance: A Memoir by Dominique Moceanu Genres: Memoir, Non-Fiction Original Publication Date: 2012 Source: I purchased this book Goodreads Find the Author: Website, Facebook, Instagram Off Balance is the memoir of a great Olympic champion. At fourteen years old, Dominique Moceanu was the youngest member of the 1996 US Women’s Olympic Gymnastics team, the first and only American women’s team to take gold at the Olympics. Her pixyish appearance and ferocious competitive drive quickly earned her the status of a media darling. But behind the fame, the flawless floor routines, and the million-dollar smile, her life was a series of challenges and hardships. Off Balance vividly delineates each of…
If I Was Offered A New Book Deal . . . I Would Be So Happy!
You’ve been offered a book deal! What would you write about? Getting a book deal is a dream of mine! There are so many things that I want to write about! I would love to write a book of essays and also a novel. My husband and II would love to write and photograph a book about New Jersey. Of course, I’d like to go to Europe to photograph and write about it – England, Italy, France, Spain, and Germany. I’d also go to Australia, New Zealand, and Japan. It would be great if I had a publisher who’d pay for my travels, especially if I could bring my husband…