I Love Organizing Books and Meeting Authors

Table of Contents
Organizing Your Books
I love organizing my books. When I was little, my room wasn’t that neat, but all my children’s books were arranged on my big bookcase in alphabetical order by the author’s last name!
Right now I have some volumes in a storage facility, some on shelves, and others scattered around the bedroom, bathroom, and living room (and I’m not going to post photos of that mess!) I am giving some away to charity (if I haven’t read them in ten years I’m never going to read them!). But most importantly, I bought a Kindle a few months ago and have them on there. It can hold over 3,000 books! The only ones I really need to keep in book form are my beloved decorating and interior design coffee-table books!
I keep my Kindle books neatly organized in Collections.
What authors would you like to meet?
I really thought about this. There are some “mysterious” authors I’d like to know more about, such as Tom Pynchon. Who is he? The only problem is that I haven’t read any of his books! J.K. Rowling comes to mind because I love the story of how she wrote much of the first Harry Potter book in a local coffee shop. I love to write in coffee shops and also in mall food courts BEFORE the mall opens!
I would really like to talk to some DEAD authors, too. Jane Austen and all of the Brontes! J. D. Salinger! Ernest Hemingway and Sylvia Plath! I wish there had been better medications for depression when Ernest and Sylvia were alive. So sad . . . and then there’s John Keats and the other tragic English romantics . . . gosh, the list is endless!
You may also read my post on I Always Find Time to Read.
Please read my post on the last days of Borders Books.
Thank you for reading The Literary Lioness!
E J Stevens
Happy Friday! I'm a new follower. 🙂
Paranormal Author E.J. Stevens
From the Shadows
Hopping through. I didn't think about picking any author who has died, but Plath would be interesting!
Patricia Blackmon
I love the red cover for you Kindle. Â I went with pink for my ereader. My Book Blogger Hop answer is paranormal/fantasy. I prefer Christian fiction my genre is eclectic.
I am your newest GFC follower.
Larissa Hammond
Oh man! I love science FACT too! But sci fi is okay now and then. I'm a new follower, and I love your answers. I also have an ereader but I have a nook and I love it! Thanks for sharing. Please visit me at my blog: Lari Is WritingÂ
Have a great weekend!
Hi there, hopping through and following you.Have a great weekend!Holjo @ Pedantic Phookawww.pedanticphooka.com
I have told a few people this alread. I dont know how i forgot my nook in my answer but i did. I love this thing but i also love hard copies or paperbacks. I love ikea and their book shelves because u can add to them as your collection grows
The Literary Lioness
Thanks for visiting and following!
The Literary Lioness
Yes, she would. Her journals are fascinating.
The Literary Lioness
I don't care much for paranormal, either. Thanks for visiting and following!
The Literary Lioness
I love writing being surrounded by people. As long as they don't look over my shoulder . . .
The Literary Lioness
I'll definitely get a Nook one day. I do love my Kindle, though.
The Literary Lioness
Yes, I love Ikea, too. I must be the Swedish in me (my mom was from Sweden) . . .
Wow, I can't believe how many responses I've seen that say they can't get into sci-fi. I generally prefer fantasy but I like a good sci-fi book every once in awhile. Actually, science fiction is interesting to study to see how some inventions have actually come about decades after the books were written.
Hi! New Follower!
My Follow Friday!
great picks this week!
The Literary Lioness
I guess H.G. Wells and Isaac Asimov were prophetic, weren't they?
The Literary Lioness
I'll be over!
The Literary Lioness
hey there! i'm a new follower! hope you will stop by my blog as well and follow me! looking forward to your posts!
The Literary Lioness
Thank you so much!