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An era in publishing has come to an end. Newsweek has published the last print issue of the magazine.
Newsweek will continue in digital form, but it won’t be the same.
I’m sure that it was a sad day at Newsweek. Many people lost their jobs in the transition.
The cover photo is a vintage photograph of Newsweek’s old midtown New York headquarters.
The title of the issue is ironic: #LastPrintIssue. It is so obviously a jab at the Twitterization of news.
When I was growing up, my family did not subscribe to Newsweek, but to their main competitor, Time.
However, occasionally I would read issues and always enjoyed it.
Financial Troubles
Apparently, after Newsweek merged with The Daily Beast the magazine started producing some controversial covers, probably in a vain attempt to sell enough issues to keep afloat.
But in the days of the Internet, it is very difficult and not cost-effective to publish a physical magazine.
Newsweek reportedly suffered a staggering loss of $40 million per year.
UPDATE (December 2013): Newsweek will be printing special issues again:
Newsweek to print weekly edition again one year after calling it quits
You may also read my post #FreePress.
Thank you for reading The Literary Lioness!
As a former English teacher and librarian, I love the feel of books and magazines in my hands, so it always makes me sad when another publication folds. Unfortunately, at age 64, it's easier for me to read a Kindle's large print, but I still have to surround myself with beautiful books and will continue to subscribe to magazines as long as I can.
Wow. That really is the end of an era, isn't it? (Came over from Blog Catalog. Just wandering around. 🙂 )
The Literary Lioness
I love both physical books and my Kindle! My Kindle is packed with books, but I still have physical books around. However, the library books I borrow are all Kindle books.
The Literary Lioness
I don't read magazines on my Kindle because it is black and white. When I upgrade to a color version, I will probably start reading magazines on my Kindle.
The Literary Lioness
It really is the end of an era.