Bobblehead Dad: 25 Life Lessons I Forgot I Knew by Jim Higley (2011) | Book Review

Genres: Memoir, Non-Fiction
Original Publication Date: 2011
Source: I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Find the Author: Website, Blog, Facebook, Goodreads, Amazon

Jim Higley was a forty-year-old bobblehead. Just like those collectible figurines with oversized, bouncy heads, he’d put on a smiling face and bobble through his hectic, overflowing days. Higley’s bobbling came to a screeching halt with the diagnosis of cancer, surgery, and a summer of healing. More than a cancer story, however, Bobblehead Dad puts you in a front-row seat as the author discovers the illuminating parallels between events in his childhood and his adulthood. Higley, whose weekly fatherhood column appears in the Chicago Tribune’s TribLocal, unwraps poignant lessons from his family history with rich, vivid detail. His story reveals meaning in simple moments and the people who fill them—including the surprise discovery of his most important lesson, which had been quietly waiting for over thirty years. Written in an informal but eloquent style, Bobblehead Dad will keep you laughing, crying and—most importantly—thinking. Higley’s distinctive storytelling rhythm, combined with a knack for handling heavy topics with an embraceable voice, quickly draws you into his experiences—while launching you on your own journey of self-discovery and reflection.
Table of Contents
A New Beginning?
Why is this book called Bobblehead Dad? Jim Higley eventually realized that just like those toys, he would smile and bobble his head throughout his busy days.
As a kid, I collected bobbleheads. As an adult, I had become one. With four older brothers, I sort of inherited their old bobblehead dolls when I was a young boy. They were all baseball player bobbleheads. Truthfully, I didn’t even like baseball that much, but I thought it was fun to play with the little figures and their spring-loaded heads.
When Higley received the news that he had cancer, he realized that he had to take a whole summer off to recuperate.
Receiving the diagnosis was frightening, especially since he had already lost his mother, father, and brother to the disease.
While he was recuperating, mostly lying by the family pool, Higley realized that instead of an ending, this could be a new beginning for him. He realized that he was not quite satisfied with his life and that he needed to do something about it. His life had been consumed with his job, and he wasn’t spending enough time with his children. This was a turning point, and he knew it.
Bobblehead Dad: 25 Life Lessons I Forgot I Knew is NOT a depressing study of cancer, but Higley’s journey to finding a better life for himself and his children.
Each chapter details a life lesson that he learned during this journey. He learned a lot about himself during this stage, and in this delightful and easy-to-read book, he set out to find the path to true happiness.
His kids would be talking to him but he wouldn’t be really listening to them. He would just nod his head and pretend to be listening. He realized that life was passing him by that his children were growing up and that he needed to be there for them.
Final Analysis
Higley realized that he needed to give up his job and be at home with his children. He has become a full-time freelance writer and has found out what has made life worth living.
His work is giving him great satisfaction, and he is becoming the dad he always wanted to be.
You can see Jim talk about his work on active parenting and men’s health issues:
You can read more about Jim at Higley Stories.
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jules Ablaw
I've never heard of bobblehead dad and if I am honest it's probably not the type of book that I would pick up cold, but your review has intrigued me, it sounds like a touching story.
Old follower stopping in past.
The Literary Lioness
It is a touching story. It was nice to see someone who has gone through so much — getting cancer, after his mother, father, and brother died from it — and turning it into something positive.
Howard Sherman
I salute all the brave souls that soldier on to finish a bad book. I could never do that. I never have and I can’t imagine I ever will.
This week’s Follow Friday question is an excellent companion to last week’s Book Blogger Hop question.
Follow me back to my blog and read all about why I hardly ever start a bad book let alone finish one –
Read both my Book Blogger Hop post last week and my Follow Friday post this week and you’ll get the bigger picture of how my mind works. Don’t say I didn’t warn you! [grin]
Thank G-d It’s Follow Friday!
Howard Sherman
Patricia Blackmon
My Book Blogger answer for this week. very own blog hop host.Can't see your GFC.
Patricia Blackmon
Joined you on GFC from your navbar.
The Literary Lioness
I just visited your blog and commented. Thanks for reading mine!
The Literary Lioness
It's missing again!
The Literary Lioness
new follower! 🙂 bobblehead dad sounds intriguing! i'll check it out.
TGIF! 3 Friday book memes!
Tracy Smith
Hopping through from the follow Friday hop. I am a new gfc follower as countrysunset40. Come on over to visit when you get the chance!
Thanks for stopping by the blog! My mom suffered from breast cancer about 14 years ago, so Bobblehead Dad really interests me! Thanks for sharing!
Brenna Staats
That's a book I never would have picked up on my own.. but now I'm intrigued!
I'm a new follower by the way, and I found you from the blog hop! I'm also pretty jealous of your name "The Literary Lioness"! I love it, there's so much you can do with that and it's unique. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your blog posts!
Also, I'm having a giveaway on my own blog which ends this Thursday for She Walks in Beauty.. you might be interested in it, it's a great book! Check it out here:
The Literary Lioness
It's a good book.
The Literary Lioness
I'll be there.
The Literary Lioness
My mother went through breast cancer in 1991, so I was interested for personal reasons, too.
The Literary Lioness
Thanks! I'm glad you like the name!