
I Always Find Time to Read Books I Love

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I read every single day.

Current books on my TBR list: several books:

  • Julie and Julia by Julie Powell,
  • A biography of Patricia Highsmith.
  • Punching In by Alex Frankel.
  • Several books on writing for magazines.

I just love to read.

I read literary fiction and non-fiction. I love memoirs and biographies.

Reading is my favorite hobby.

I grew up an only child in a very European family. Both my parents read in the living room every single night.

We would sit in front of the fireplace and read every single night, and all day on Sundays.

I Always Have Time To Read

Reading helps me to relax and get away from my troubles. I’d love to read every book in the world!

Please read my post about Book Sale Season and Multi-Booking.

See also my review of So Many Books, So Little Time by Sara Nelson.

Thank you for reading The Literary Lioness!

I love books, writing, film, and television.

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  • Book pusher

    Wow, I hope the job thing works out! So glad you can read to relax, the really crazy thing is when I am stressed I just can't seem to get into a book, which is so frustrating. I am enjoying reading your blog very much. Wishing you all the best.

  • The Literary Lioness

    Thank you so much! I have had many stressful moments over the last few years and yet somehow I can always escape from the world with a good book. Thank you for visiting my blog. I just visited your blog, "The Genteel Arsenal", and found it very interesting. I plan to keep reading it and adding it to my blog list under "Reading". Thanks again!

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