• Book Reviews

    I Never Promised You A Rose Garden by Joanne Greenberg | Book Review

    I Never Promised You A Rose Garden book cover

    I Never Promised You A Rose Garden by Joanne Greenberg Genres: American Literature, Fiction, Illness Original Publication Date: 1964 Goodreads Find the Author: Website, Goodreads, Amazon A modern classic, I Never Promised You a Rose Garden remains every bit as poignant, gripping, and relevant today as when it was first published. Enveloped in the dark inner kingdom of her schizophrenia, sixteen-year-old Deborah is haunted by private tormentors that isolate her from the outside world. With the reluctant and fearful consent of her parents, she enters a mental hospital where she will spend the next three years battling to regain her sanity with the help of a gifted psychiatrist. As Deborah…

  • Book Reviews

    Five-Finger Discount: A Crooked Family History by Helene Stapinski | Book Review

    five finger discount book cover

    Five-Finger Discount: A Crooked Family History by Helene Stapinski Genres: Crime, Memoir, Non-Fiction Original Publication Date: 2001 Source: I purchased this book Goodreads Find the Author: Website, Twitter, Goodreads, Amazon With deadpan humor and obvious affection, Five-Finger Discount recounts the story of an unforgettable New Jersey family of swindlers, bookies, embezzlers, and mobster-wannabes. In the memoir, Mary Karr calls “a page-turner,” Helene Stapinski ingeniously weaves the checkered history of her hometown of Jersey City—a place known for its political corruption and industrial blight—with the tales that have swirled around her relatives for decades. Navigating a childhood of toxic waste and tough love, Stapinski tells an extraordinary tale at once heartbreaking…

  • Book Reviews

    The Fur Person by May Sarton | Book Review

    fur person book cover

    The Fur Person by May Sarton Genres: American Literature, Animals, Fiction, Memoir Original Publication Date: 1957 Source: I purchased this book Goodreads Find the Author: Website, Goodreads, Amazon In The Fur Person, May Sarton fictionalizes an account of her cat Tom Jones’s life and adventures prior to making the author’s acquaintance begins with a fiercely independent, nameless street cat who follows the ten commandments of the Gentleman Cat—including “A Gentleman Cat allows no constraint of his person, not even loving constraint.” But after several years of roaming, Tom has grown tired of his vagabond lifestyle, and he concludes that there might be some appeal after all in giving up the…

  • Book Reviews

    Bridget Jones’s Diary by Helen Fielding (1996) | Book Review

    Bridget Jones Diary book cover

    Bridget Jones's Diary by Helen Fielding Genres: British Literature, Fiction Original Publication Date: 1996 Source: I purchased this book Goodreads Find the Author: Facebook, Goodreads, Amazon Bridget Jones’s Diary is the devastatingly self-aware, laugh-out-loud account of a year in the life of a thirty-something Singleton on a permanently doomed quest for self-improvement. Bridget resolves to: reduce the circumference of each thigh by 1.5 inches, visit the gym three times a week not just to buy a sandwich, form a functional relationship with a responsible adult and learn to program the VCR. With a blend of flighty charm, existential gloom, and endearing self-deprecation, Bridget Jones’s Diary has touched a raw nerve…

  • Book Reviews

    Tisha: The Wonderful True Love Story of a Young Teacher in the Alaskan Wilderness by Robert Specht | Book Review

    Tisha Alaska

    Tisha: The Wonderful True Love Story of a Young Teacher in the Alaskan Wilderness by Robert Specht, Anne Hobbs Purdy Genres: Adventure, Memoir, Non-Fiction Original Publication Date: 1976 Source: I purchased this book Goodreads In the unusual memoir Tisha, Anne Hobbs came to teach in harsh and beautiful Alaska in 1927. Running a ramshackle schoolhouse would expose her to more than just the elements. After she allowed Native American children into her class and fell in love with a half-Inuit man, she would learn the meanings of prejudice and perseverance, irrational hatred, and unconditional love. “People get as mean as the weather,” she discovered, but they were also capable of…