
5 Books and Authors I Haven’t Read . . . Yet

I haven't read Madame Bovary yet.
Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert

Books and Authors I Haven’t Read

I was an English major in college (university for those outside of the U.S.), but that doesn’t mean that I’ve read all the classics.

These are some of the novels I’ve always been meaning to read but I just haven’t . . . yet.

  1. Madame Bovary by Gustav Flaubert. I have a copy on my desk now, and I’m staring at it.
  2. Catch-22 Joseph Heller. I tried to read it, really I did. It probably was a little too all-male for my tastes (I like women protagonists).
  3. Anything by Dostoyevsky. I started them all, but never got beyond the first few pages. I especially wanted to read Crime and Punishment, but just didn’t get very far.
  4. Somerset Maugham. I haven’t read any of his books.
  5. Evelyn Waugh. I haven’t read his works, either. I have his Complete Short Stories on my desk, too, and I’ve been meaning to read his novels.

As soon as I read the approximately 500 other volumes on my To Be Read list.

Final Thoughts

GQ has some suggestions on 21 Brilliant Books You’ve Never Heard Of.

You may also want to read my post on Books and Authors I Hate.

Thank you for reading The Literary Lioness!

I love books, writing, film, and television.

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  • Gina

    I LOVE The Great Gatsby! I even loved it as a 15 year old in high school, it's that good!

    And honestly, good luck on the Tolstoy stuff. I can get through about 14 pages and then I'm toast.

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