Save Karyn: One Shopaholic’s Journey to Debt and Back by Karyn Bosnak (2003) | Book Review
Save Karyn: One Shopaholic's Journey to Debt and Back by Karyn Bosnak Genres: Memoir, Non-Fiction Original Publication Date: 2003 Source: I purchased this book Goodreads Find the Author: Website, Blog, Facebook, Goodreads, Amazon, Instagram, Pinterest What would you do if you owed $20,000? Would you: A) not tell your parents? B) start your own website that asked for money without apology? or C) stop coloring your hair, getting pedicures, and buying Gucci? If you were Karyn Bosnak, you’d do all three. Karyn started a funny yet honest website,, on which she asked for donations to help her get out of debt. Karyn received e-mails from people all over the…
So Many Books, So Little Time: A Year of Passionate Reading by Sara Nelson (2004) | Book Review
So Many Books, So Little Time: A Year of Passionate Reading by Sara Nelson Genres: Non-Fiction Original Publication Date: 2004 Source: I purchased this book Goodreads Find the Author: Website, Goodreads, Amazon So Many Books, So Little Time: A Year of Passionate Reading: The project began as an experiment with a simple plan—fifty-two weeks, fifty-two books—that fell apart in the first week. It was then that Sara Nelson realized the books chose her as much as she chose them, and the rewards and frustrations they brought were nothing she could plan for. From Solzhenitsyn to Laura Zigman, Catherine M. to Captain Underpants, the result is a personal chronicle of insight,…
Punching In: The Unauthorized Adventures of a Front-Line Employee by Alex Frankel (2007) | Book Review
Punching In: The Unauthorized Adventures of a Front-Line Employee by Alex Frankel Genres: Non-Fiction Original Publication Date: 2007 Source: I purchased this book Goodreads Find the Author: Goodreads, Amazon Punching In: During a two-year urban adventure through the world of commerce, journalist Alex Frankel proudly wore the brown uniform of the UPS driver, folded endless stacks of T-shirts at Gap, brewed espressos for the hordes at Starbucks, interviewed (but failed to get hired) at Whole Foods, enrolled in management training at Enterprise Rent-A-Car, and sold iPods at the Apple Store. In this lively and entertaining narrative, Frankel takes readers on a personal journey into the land of front-line employees to…