• Book Reviews,  Journalism,  Politics,  Resistance

    How the Good Guys Finally Won: Notes From An Impeachment Summer by Jimmy Breslin | Book Review

    How the Good Guys Finally Won book cover

    How the Good Guys Finally Won: Notes from an Impeachment Summer by Jimmy Breslin Genres: History, Non-Fiction Original Publication Date: 1975 Source: I purchased this book Goodreads Find the Author: Goodreads, Amazon How The Good Guys Finally Won: Not long after burglars were caught raiding the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate Hotel, Congressman Tip O’Neill noticed that Democratic fundraising efforts for the 1972 election had stalled. Major contributors were under IRS investigation, and Republican lackeys were threatening further trouble if those donors didn’t close their checkbooks. O’Neill sensed a conspiracy coming from the Nixon administration, but it wasn’t until the scandal broke that he connected the threatened donors…