• Literary

    Books and Authors I Hate

    Moby Dick books

    Books And Authors I Hate Yes! At least for now. Here are some “classic” works of literature that I just don’t like. So sue me. Books and authors I hate? Perhaps I will feel differently in a few years. Further Reading Books and Authors I Haven’t Read . . . Yet Also this: Talking about books I don’t like – Modern Mrs. Darcy Thank you for reading The Literary Lioness!

  • Literary

    5 Books and Authors I Haven’t Read . . . Yet

    I haven't read Madame Bovary yet.

    Books and Authors I Haven’t Read I was an English major in college (university for those outside of the U.S.), but that doesn’t mean that I’ve read all the classics. These are some of the novels I’ve always been meaning to read but I just haven’t . . . yet. As soon as I read the approximately 500 other volumes on my To Be Read list. Final Thoughts GQ has some suggestions on 21 Brilliant Books You’ve Never Heard Of. You may also want to read my post on Books and Authors I Hate. Thank you for reading The Literary Lioness!

  • Literary

    I Always Find Time to Read Books I Love

    time to read window with books

    Read More Books I read every single day. Current books on my TBR list: several books: I just love to read. I read literary fiction and non-fiction. I love memoirs and biographies. Reading is my favorite hobby. I grew up an only child in a very European family. Both my parents read in the living room every single night. We would sit in front of the fireplace and read every single night, and all day on Sundays. I Always Have Time To Read Reading helps me to relax and get away from my troubles. I’d love to read every book in the world! Please read my post about Book Sale…

  • Literary

    I Love Multi-Booking: Reading More Than 1 Book At A Time

    multi booking

    I love to read multiple books at the same time. I prefer to have at least one fiction and one non-fiction book on totally different subjects so that it is not too confusing. Multi-Booking In Sara Nelson’s wonderful book So Many Books, So Little Time: A Year of Passionate Reading, she calls reading two books at the same time “double-booking”. This is nothing new for me. I call it Multi-Booking. Sometimes I am so eager to read every book ever written that I am reading too many books at the same time. Right now I am reading at least four books. One for the bathroom, two for the nightstand, and…

  • Literary

    I Am Obsessed With The Alphabet

    alphabet letterpress

    I Was Obsessed With The Alphabet Even as a very young child of 3 or 4, I always wanted to go over the alphabet with my mother. I had absolutely no interest in numbers (which is still true), but I loved letters. When I found out that they could form words, I was enthralled. A True Love Of Reading and Writing I never liked having my mother read books to me, but reading them myself. Reading and writing were easy for me. I was writing short stories and even novels from the first grade. Also in the first grade, my teacher had been tutoring other students in reading. I was…