• Book Reviews

    Something Inside of Me: How to Hang on to Heaven When You Are Going Through Hell by Chitoka Webb | Book Review

    Something Inside Of Me book cover

    Something Inside of Me: How to Hang on to Heaven When You Are Going Through Hell by Chitoka Webb Genres: Memoir, Non-Fiction Original Publication Date: 2011 Source: Advanced Reading Copy from the publisher. Goodreads Find the Author: Goodreads, Amazon Something Inside of Me: the inspiring story of how one woman’s journey through poverty and debilitating illness catapulted her to the halls of power as a successful businesswoman. Long before selling secondhand belongings on eBay and Craigslist was the rage, a preteen Chitoka Webb sold what others saw as junk to the residents of her neighborhood and made a profit. Without a college degree, through tenacity, grit, and a healthy dose…