• Book Reviews,  Film & Television

    Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye: The Barbara Payton Story by John O’Dowd | Book Review

    Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye book cover

    Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye: The Barbara Payton Story by John O'Dowd Genres: Biography Original Publication Date: 2007 Source: I purchased this book Goodreads Find the Author: Website, Goodreads, Amazon Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye is about the tragic life of Barbara Payton. She looked like a very promising young starlet in the 1950s, as the beautiful but untrained actress gave good performances in her films. But Barbara could not control her private life, which made more headlines than her films. Mental illness and alcoholism followed. Barbara Payton became one of the most tragic figures in Hollywood history. Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye: The Barbara Payton Story by John O’Dowd is the very sad true story…